If you have been charged with a drink driving/DUI offence, you face a mandatory licence disqualification of at least one month and up to 18 months or even more. If you drive during this disqualification period, you will be charged with an offence of disqualified driving which carries a mandatory minimum disqualification period of 2 …

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There is no question that drug driving offences are on the rise in Queensland. In fact, some sources say that drug driving is now more common than drink driving. As a result, Queensland Magistrates are growing increasingly frustrated with the number of drug drivers appearing before them in courts. Many Magistrates are also quick to point out that, unlike …

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  If you have been charged with a drink driving/DUI offence, one of the first questions you’ll need to ask yourself is whether you should hire a lawyer to represent you in court. Many people will simply look at the costs of hiring a drink driving/DUI lawyer and decide that they’ll take a chance and represent themselves. However before you …

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