One of the best things about living in Queensland is our long stretches of beach and the adventures they allow. Every day, people take their boats out for all sorts of reasons – fishing, skiing or just exploring the coastline. Boating is often a social outing for Queenslanders. This means that when out on their …
Month: February 2020
The Hip Flask Defence
Most drink drivers are charged with the offence of drink driving after being caught actually driving while over the alcohol limit. This is usually after the driver fails a random breath test or they’re intercepted due to the way they are driving. However in some situations, a person can be charged with a drink driving …
The police have a wide range of powers which allow them to do their job effectively. Many of these powers are well-known. For example, everyone knows that the police can arrest a person who has committed a criminal offence. However when it comes to traffic laws, there seems to be some confusion about what the …
Nowadays, going out for a few drinks can get pretty expensive. Drinks, food, clothes, transport… it all starts to add up very quickly! But do you know what’s even more expensive? Getting into your car at the end of the night and risking driving home while over the limit. Unfortunately, most people don’t understand the …