Special hardship order licence

Special hardship orders are court orders that give drivers an opportunity to apply for a restricted licence allowing them to continue driving even when their licence will be suspended. For many people, they are the difference between keeping and losing their jobs. For others, a special hardship order means that a person can continue caring for …

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Drink Driving Lawyers – should you hire one

One of the first questions that people ask themselves when charged with a drink driving offence is – “should I hire a lawyer?” Many people have never been to court before and have no experience with hiring a lawyer, so it’s understandable that they might be confused about what decision to make. We therefore thought …

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What is Domestic Violence (DVO)

“Domestic violence” is a commonly misunderstood term which deals with an extremely important issue. Most people would assume that an offence involving domestic violence needs to involve physical violence (such as punching or kicking another person) or extreme emotional violence (such as constantly degrading that person through their words or actions). The legal definition however is much broader. …

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How to avoid a Random Breath Test

A question that we get asked all the time is how to avoid a random breath test (or RBT). Unfortunately, the only simple answer is to just not drink and drive in the first place. There is a longer and more helpful answer, however.

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